Top Ten Tuesday!

Top Ten TuesdayIt’s Tuesday, folks!  The first Tuesday in December–man has this year just flown by!!  I’m starting to worry about Christmas cards, decorating, shopping, baking, the works.  My husband has a HUGE family, and while we only buy for the nieces and nephews and do an exchange…that’s still 7 gifts (and growing, since we have a 7th niece or nephew on the way in May) to plan and buy for.  Usually we do split the shopping between us, but I generally end up with 4 kids to buy for while my husband buys for the other two.  That’s fair, right?  Heh, I kid, I love my nieces and nephews!  I also need to start leaving around some not-so-sutble hints around for what my husband should get me for Christmas…I’d rather not repeat what happened with this year’s birthday gifts!  I dropped hints about reaaaaaally wanting Dance with Dragons (A song of ice and fire #5), and instead got A Feast for Crows (which I already had) and a Storm of Swords (which he’d checked out of the library for me…).  At least returning those two books meant that I could get Dance with Dragons for only like…$3, so it worked out.
(I pulled out a copy of Beauty Queens by Libba Bray off the shelf one day and flat out said “Buy me this for Christmas” so we’ll see what I get heh)

Speaking of what I want for Christmas…

Top Ten Books I Wouldn’t Mind Santa Bringing Me

1.  Cinder by Marissa Meyer–fairytale retelling YAY!  And with cyborgs!  Ooooohhhhhh….

2.  Beauty Queens by Libba Bray–I pointed this out to my husband, we’ll see what I get instead.  “Why would you want that?”  “It’s *beauty queens* stranded on a *desert island*.  What’s not to like????”

3.  Firebird by Mercedes Lackey–by far my favorite of her fairytale retellings (or fairytale retellings in general), I lost my copy in ’98 when my luggage got stolen in Jamaica.  It was out of print/stock everywhere when I tried to replace my copy (and Amazon didn’t exist then, or if it did, I didn’t know about it).  I don’t know if it’s back in print now, but I’d love to get my hands on another copy.  It’s a wonderful story.

4.  The Handmaid’s Tale by Margaret Atwood–I saw this book pop up on quite a few TTT lists a few months back (I think it was the dystopian list), and the synopsis fascinated me.  Really need to obtain a copy of this, and soon!

5.  Gone Girl by Gillian Flynn–everyone else is reading/wants to read this, so I do too.  That’s part of it, it sounds really good, too.

6.  The Wishing Spell by Chris Colfer–I have a strange fascination with fiction books written by celebrities (I’m still waiting for someone to get me whatever came after LA Candy, because while I reaaaaally want to read it I do not under any circumstances want to pay money for it.  Though I probably would if it cost like…$.50 or something) and am always interested to see how bad they really are (and if they were written by a ghost writer…coff coff Elixir).  I’ve heard really good things about this book, though, so I want to read it for other reasons, too.  Plus, I like Kurt on Glee, too.

7.  Divergent by Veronica Roth–dystopian YA, count me in!

8.  The Wolves of Mercy Falls trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater–as a werewolf writer, I have to know my “competition” (ha ha, I know I know, shut up).  Mostly, I’m just intrigued to see what other people come up with for their werewolf mythology.  Plus, it sounds really good.

9.  Shatter Me by Taherah Mahi–she’s hilarious on Twitter, another one of those authors I’ve followed on Twitter, though this wasn’t a case of mistaken identity like Sarah Dessen (and I still can’t figure out who I meant to follow when I followed her).  The book sounds fantastic, too.

10.  The Casual Vacancy by JK Rowling–like everyone else, I’m curious about a non-Potter novel from Rowling.  I’ve had friends that loved it, and others who didn’t make it past page 80.  Good reviews and bad reviews..and I want to find out for myself–is it good or bad?


Published in: on December 4, 2012 at 10:30 am  Comments (15)  
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15 CommentsLeave a comment

  1. Beauty Queens, The Handmaid’s Tale, and Gone Girl are all great books. I hope you get your wish list and enjoy!

    • I’m hoping at least for some BAM or Amazon gift cards so I can at least get a few of these.
      Amazon had Gone Girl for $2.99 yesterday and I didn’t see it til this morning. super mad!

  2. Good list, I have Cinder on my list as well and I’ve read the first two books of the Wolves of Mercy Falls series and I loved them.

    • I wanted to put Scarlet on there, as well, but it doesn’t come out til February. Plus, it was on last week’s TTT.

  3. Great picks! I have a ton of those on my TBR including The Handmaids Tale. Have heard fantastic things about that one, really want to get to it soon.
    Hope you get everything on your list this year! 🙂
    My Top Ten Tuesday!

    • I almost bought it a few months ago, but went the Night Circus instead (have to support my fellow NaNoers!). I still haven’t read that yet…must fix that!

      • The Night Circus is so good!

  4. Hehe- I absolutely hated The Handmaid’s Tale. But that’s just me. A lot of other people loved it. You have a lot of really awesome books on your list. I hope you get the chance to read some of them soon.

    My TTT

    • don’t you feel bad about not liking a book everyone else did–I feel that way about Soulless by Gail Carriger, but it’s written in Victorian style, which I just can’t get into at all.

  5. I love Beauty Queens! I’m going to an author event on Sunday and Libba Bray will be there! I am hoping she will sign Beauty Queens for me.

    And hopefully you husband picked up on the hint! 🙂

    • We’ll see. I’ll have to drop another hint here soon, I think. 😀

  6. Beauty Queens is awesome! One of my favs from 2012. Oh and Divergent is perfection, not that we all don’t know that already!

    • I had a friend that *loved* Divergent, but didn’t really care for Insurgent. I just want to read them both! 😀

  7. I did not realize Chris Colfer wrote a book. I’m always super interested in seeing how celebrities do when they try their hand at writing. Lauren Conrad’s writing or ghostwriter’s writing has improved in leaps and bounds for her second trilogy.

    Beauty Queens sounds awesome and your husband’s reply reminds me of my husband’s reply to just about everything I want to watch and read. I hope he gets you a better book than my husband got me last year. (The King of Shannara. Not my kind of read. haha)

    I love a fairytale retelling so it sounds like I should check out Firebird!

    • If you haven’t read any Mercedes Lackey at all, you should check out some of her books–she also has one called The Black Swan, which retells Swan Lake, as well as a series called The Elemental Masters that retells fairytales set in victorian era london with elemental magic.
      Chris Colfer actually has 2 books out–the one I mentioned as well as one called, I think, Lightning, which is the novelization of a movie he wrote. I think he wrote the movie, anyway. I want to read that one, as well!
      One thing about my husband is he is pretty good at picking out books for me (unless he’s deliberately trying to not get me something I like lol. I got something called The Passport Diaries that year, which is African American chick lit. I want to read it, but it’s not anything I would have picked out for myself). The birthday I got the two Song of Ice and Fire books I already owned/read, he also got me Mockingjay and was soooo proud of himself that he’d gotten me a book I’d said I wanted. The problem? I’d already read Mockingjay (twice!) and the only time I mentioned any of the Hunger Games books to him was talking about getting them for my cousin’s daughter so that she could have good books to balance out the Twilight books she was reading. 😀

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